
Comunidades was founded by Latino parents, activists, educators, and fellow Gorge residents in response to a demand for an environmental organization led by Latinos. Comunidades aims to nurture Latino leaders and amplify the voices of those directly impacted by pressing concerns in their lives, including toxic pollution, pesticides, health disparities, housing accessibility, labor rights, racial bias, and the pursuit of social justice.

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Logo Design & Deliverables

Comunidades logo embodies a powerful message of unity and collaboration. The letter “C” serves as the foundation, symbolizing the Columbia River Gorge, with a leaf atop it representing the region’s lush environment. Simultaneously, a hand extending from the bottom signifies the joining of diverse communities. The vibrant hues of bright green, orange, and dark blue are carefully chosen to evoke the natural beauty of the Gorge and the diverse communities it encompasses. This logo speaks to the organization’s mission, highlighting the harmonious intersection of environmental stewardship and community empowerment along the Columbia River Gorge.